Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cooling, calming summer rescue spritz

We've been talking flower essences all week in NAIMH, and it's HOT outside. Up round 100 degrees, and I've got senioritis, or a serious case of summer time squirmies. I Do NOT want to be cooped up inside anymore, listening and sitting still, and the heat is making me hot and bothered.

I brewed up this little ditty when i got home today to chill me out, both physically and emotionally.

2 oz water
3 drops geranium e.o.
1 drop peppermint e.o
8 drops lavender e.o
3 drops grapefruit e.o
4 drops rescue remedy

mix the above in a spray bottle, and spritz as needed..... ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....

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"The mother of us all, the oldest of us all, Hard, splendid as rock, Let the beauty you love, be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth"~ Rumi ~