Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fall Frenzy

It's been a crazy fall so far, between working, trying to preserve garden produce, studying for exams, see clients, find someone to take my current room and find a new place to live.
I haven't had nearly as much time as I'd have liked this summer to hike, spend time with the wild growing things and making medicine. It doesn't seem to be forthcoming either, as school starts in a week and a half, and i'm still looking for a new place to live. The plate will become even fuller with my hours spent in the school clinic, round table and nutrition classes on saturdays, in addition to work. Back to 1 day weekends. Sigh. Doesnt leave much time for me. But I decided to attend school for a year and a half, and that is my priority at the moment. Considering I'm not planning on making Boulder my home, I'm less inclinded to find myself attatched to plants and places...even though I long for some wild rambles with nothing to do but nap under a tree, or sit by a river and just listen.

My gardens have been very successful this year, but I haven't kept up with weeding or harvesting. Now I'm in between places, and spending all my time working or looking for places to live, and harvesting is also falling to the way side.

I'm slightly jealous of all my herb friends who are getting deeply intimate with plants growing around them to a level I j ust haven't been able to pull off at this time. I'm relying on old favorites and my tried and true remedies for my needs. My favorite formulas during this stressful and busy time have been a lovely tea of Wood Betony, Scullcap, Rose, Gotu Kola and peppermint. I've also used a tincture of the same, without the peppermint.

But frankly, sometimes I wish I had my own herbalist to help me with things, because I've been too involved to really be able to help myself at times. After binging on gluten in July, my last moon cycle was the pits. The worst pain I'd ever experienced, and the only thing I could do was take some Aleve and sleep. It's hard to treat oneself, and I'm not dealing with my own stuff very well. Though my fiancee quizzed me this morning on a condition, and I came up with a whole protocol off the top of my head. Funny that!

1 comment:

Angie Goodloe LMT, Herbalist said...

Boy can I relate! I am awful at self treatment! I think it is healthy to be able to turn to others for health support. You shouldn't have to deal with your own stuff all the time, reaching out for help is normal. Those moons can really through you for a loop as well, I'm right there with you! Any time you need support just email me!

"The mother of us all, the oldest of us all, Hard, splendid as rock, Let the beauty you love, be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth"~ Rumi ~